Worlds Only Handheld Robotic Device For Knee Surgery Demonstrated at Arab Health
A live robotic surgery simulation featuring the world’s only handheld robotics system for knee surgery will be performed by BMI Healthcare on the ABHI UK Pavilion at Arab Health 2020
NAVIO works in conjunction with the surgeon’s hands to achieve the precise positioning of the knee implant based on each patient’s unique anatomy. This added level of accuracy helps to improve function, feel and potential longevity – delivering greater hope for the patient.
The unique system is built to provide robotic assistance through an advanced computer programme that relays precise information about a patient’s knee to a robotics-assisted handpiece used by the surgeon. By collecting patient-specific information, boundaries are established for the robotics-assisted handpiece so the surgeon can remove the damaged surfaces of the patient’s knee, balance their joint, and position the implant with great precision.
The ground-breaking procedure offers greater outcomes and a bespoke, advanced technique for patients requiring total knee replacement – including those in the Middle East, where knee problems tend to be common due to praying which involves prolonged periods of kneeling and several postures that require deep flexion of the knee and hip.
Mr Matt Bartlett, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at BMI Healthcare, who will be carrying out the procedure said: “The NAVIO surgical system is at the cutting edge of robotics-assisted surgery. BMI are early adopters of the pioneering technology and we are excited to demonstrate how it has been meticulously designed to help surgeons improve patient outcomes in total and partial knee arthroplasty.”
Studies have shown that robotic joint surgery has a number of benefits for patients –allowing a more customised, individually-tailored approach and quicker recovery.
The NAVIO Surgical System promises the next evolutionary step in this field – offering greater efficiency and usability; and an advancement in the way orthopaedic surgeons perform knee replacement.
BMI Healthcare have been pioneers in the surgical simulation on the ABHI stand at Arab Health since 2014. Each year they have presented many physicians performing surgical simulations across a broad spectrum of disciplines with a particular focus on cardiology, orthopaedics and bariatrics.
Scott Feldman, International Director at BMI Healthcare, said: “BMI Healthcare has worked closely with the ABHI for many years to deliver marketing programmes that showcase our offering at Arab Health, one of the largest events of its kind in the world. Each year they help us bring together world class British expertise and equipment, enabling our surgeons to demonstrate complex skillsets via simulator to targeted, global audiences in the superbly organised UK Pavilion.”
Mr Bartlett will be delivering a keynote presentation ‘Robotics in total knee replacement’ at the 16th Orthopaedics Conference taking place at 11:45 on Monday, 27 January 2020.
His surgery simulation “Navio Assisted Total Knee Replacement” will take place on Monday 27th January 2020 at 13:45 on the ABHI stand (Hall 2, stand H2.G30).
Arab Health takes place 27 January – 30 January 2020 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE. Throughout the show, ABHI and the UK Pavilion will be located in Hall 2.
Alison Cassells
Association of British HealthTech Industries
+44 20 7960 4360
Monday 20 January 2020 / file under Exhibitions | Healthcare | Medical