Tackling Noise At Work With Pulsar
Following a number of high profile campaigns in recent months, noise-induced hearing loss has received a lot of attention
It now features higher up on the safety agenda in the workplace but also in the consciousness of workers. Noise measurement products manufacturer, Pulsar Instruments, is aiming to help businesses across the UK and beyond tackle the main causes of noise-induced hearing loss and improve the hearing safety of workers who operate in noisy industries.
The HSE in the UK reported in 2016 that on average, 20,000 people per year suffer from noise-induced hearing loss (new as well as longstanding cases) caused or made by harmful noise levels at work. Noise levels at work can be, and should be, controlled. Employers should not disregard or underestimate the harm a noisy workplace can cause.
In the UK and around the world, strict legislation exists and indeed specifies mandatory action levels at which the hearing of employees must be safeguarded. Workers most at risk include those involved in the construction, refurbishment, repair or maintenance of buildings such as carpenters or builders. Other occupations such as found in manufacturing, engineering, processing, transportation or emergency services can also present risks if noise levels are not monitored and controlled effectively.
Pulsar Instruments advise health and safety professionals about the current noise legislation and how to prevent a business being sued for noise-induced hearing loss. Pulsar also offer guidance on the different types of products available to measure noise levels correctly and how to apply any measurements to the current noise legislation.
If employers or safety professionals suspect noise levels in a work environment are excessive and above recommended levels, they should seek advice about how to manage this effectively to ensure their business remains compliant with the Law.
Regular professional training on legislation, noise measurement and controls is also available from Pulsar Instruments delivered face to face in small groups at various venues in the UK by qualified acousticians. The course can be delivered on the premises of customers who are not able to travel.
Our team of noise experts will be happy to respond to any questions you may have on how to tackle noise at work. Why not get in touch today and request a call back?
Sarah Brack
Pulsar Instruments Plc
+44 1723 518011
Tuesday 9 May 2017 / file under Construction | Engineering | Machinery | Safety | Shipbuilding | Transportation