Ashton Seals Announce Launch Of Newly Designed Website
The new website features a modern, user-friendly and interactive layout and makes use of responsive web design to ensure ease of use across a wide range of devices
The website has a fully up-to-date list of products and services and will also be more straightforward for us to maintain and update. You can find all the useful information and elements available from the old website plus entirely new features such as our industries page.
Visitors can also keep up to date with the latest developments and press releases from Ashton Seals with our dedicated news section.
We hope you find out fresh new look pleasing and would like to give a big thanks everyone involved in the development of the site.
John Greathead
Ashton Seals Ltd
+44 1226 273700
Tuesday 4 April 2017 / file under Agriculture | Automotive | Bearings | Petrochemical | Pharmaceuticals | Pipeline