Positive Metal Identification Enhanced At MPC

In order to maintain and improve its very high standard MPC upgraded its XRF Analyser

by Liberty Gwitira | Saturday 17 September 2016

The quality department said this move will make testing a faster and more accurate process adding to the Spectro Analysis that is already carried out on all parts at MPC.

The operators of the XLT800, after rigorous training, have already seen great improvements on their process times and efficiency while achieving better testing results. Dave Brooks remarked that ‘it was a win win for the customer and MPC because of the faster and more accurate testing procedure.

As the supervisor of the production team I am very excited because employees are more efficient and more accurate therefore the likelihood of mistakes is greatly reduced while efficiency is much higher on that work centre’.


Liberty Gwitira
McKenna Precision Castings Ltd
+44 1909 541414

Saturday 17 September 2016 / file under Aerospace | Automotive | Gas | Medical | Oil