Inciner8 Medical Waste Solution In The Pacific
The PacWaste project has now begun the installation and commissioning of a range of state-of-the-art healthcare waste incinerators in Kiribati, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu
These high temperature medical incinerators ensure that biohazardous waste (such as pathological, Type I – IV, Pharmaceuticals) will be treated in accordance with international guidelines on the safe processing of hazardous waste streams.
These are the first of 26 incinerators commissioned by PacWaste to the Pacific region’s key hospitals and health clinics.
The Pacific Hazardous Waste Management Project (PacWaste) is a 7.85 million euro project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) to improve regional hazardous waste management across the Pacific.
SPREP’s PacWaste Project Manager, Mr Stewart Williams, explains that the dual chamber incinerators will play an important role in improved public and environmental health across the Pacific region:
“As well as providing a mechanism for the safe disposal of healthcare waste, the new incinerators will reduce the quantity of dangerous airborne contaminants, like dioxins, that previously occurred through the uncontrolled or low temperature burning of healthcare waste.”
Alex Billingsley
Inciner8 Ltd
+44 1704 884020
Thursday 7 July 2016 / file under Chemical | Energy | Environmental | Healthcare | Medical | Utilities