Cleaning Booth Provides Effective And Safe Dust Removal
Founded in 1870, Octavius Hunt is the largest smoke manufacturer in Europe
The company has unrivalled technical expertise in the development and production of smoke products and widespread experience in working with a range of insecticides, fungicides, acaricides and other substances.
Products are simple and ready-to-use, reaching normally inaccessible areas such as roof spaces, inside machinery, cracks, and crevices. The smoke used is both non-tainting and leaves no residual odour which means there is little environmental impact and exposure times to operators is kept to a minimum.
The production of dust during the manufacturing process of smoke products is unavoidable, and managing its containment in and around their Bristol manufacturing facility is a vital process for the company – dust can easily be deposited onto workers overalls which can then migrate around the factory, finding its way even into high risk zones if an effective method of removing it is not employed. However, the company has installed a personnel de-dusting unit to minimise dust being spread across the factory, both safely and efficiently.
Octavius Hunt takes a robust approach to continuously managing and mitigating all potential impacts so installing an ACI Personnel Cleaning Booth builds upon this approach. The company had previously tried a number of different solutions, but none provided a practical or user-friendly solution and de-dusting overalls was a cumbersome task. The company chose the ACI Personnel Cleaning Booth following extensive research.
“The Company had already undertaken considerable measures to reduce the spread of dusts” states Earl Coates, Quality/Health & Safety Manager for Octavius Hunt. “The minimal dusts present on disposable protective suits caused low level build-up of contaminated dusts within the disrobing areas. The disrobing activity was believed to be possibly creating exposure by inhalation of dust and/or by skin contact with contaminated surfaces within the hygiene areas. The use of ACI’s de-dusting booth allowed us to reduce dusts transferred both to the hygiene and disrobing areas. Subsequent inspections of hygiene areas confirms considerable reduction in dust levels and a reduction in risk of worker exposure to chemicals.”
In summary, the ACI Personnel-Cleaning Booth is a self-contained, free-standing unit incorporating the company’s blower-powered, industrial-proven JetBlack personnel de-dusting system. This delivers a high volume of filtered air at low pressure, sufficient to remove dust and fibres effectively and safely, even when directed at exposed skin.
In operation, the integrated JetBlack is used by Booth occupants to dislodge all dust which is then drawn down away from personnel - avoiding re-coating of clothing - through a grille floor by a vacuum effect created by and external blower. The removed material can then either be gathered in a large collection drum or vented directly into an existing exhaust system.
Due to the nature of the dust being removed at Octavius Hunt, an air fed mask point within the booth has also been fitted which further minimises the risk of exposure by inhalation.
The ACI Cleaning Booth is ideal for applications in many other industries including mining, quarrying, fibre moulding, construction sites, paper mills, textiles and many more.
Mathew Forknall
Air Control Industries Ltd
+44 (0) 1297 529242
Friday 5 June 2015 / file under Construction | Environmental | Mining | Safety | Textiles