Having A Concrete Conversation With Fairport

Fairport has manufactured concreting equipment in the UK since the 1960’s, back then the Warsop brand and then later the Metrix brand where synonymous with quality concreting tools

by Robert David | Tuesday 2 December 2014

The tradition continues to this day, these respected names are still proudly displayed on the Fairport Logo.

The range of Fairport concreting equipment covers all the kit hire companies need to offer. Fairport is the only poker supplier who makes their own flexible shafts, pneumatic, hand held electric, backpack and high frequency electric pokers are also available.

For screeding, the multi-fit roller striker can be mixed and matched with other types of tubes or drives , the traditional Metrix twin beam screed has never been bettered and a single beam screed fulfils the demand for a smaller, lighter screeder.

Finishing is done with either one of the popular hand floats and /or troweled up with the UK site specification power float. With the Trelawny equipment cured concrete can be ground, planed, scabbled and prepared for any purpose the hire customer needs.

All this comes with a depth of experience from the Fairport team ready for hire companies to tap in to so they can make a success in this specialist area.


Robert David
Fairport Construction Equipment Ltd
+44 (0) 114 276 7921

Tuesday 2 December 2014 / file under Construction | Engineering