Another Twenty Years Of Frost Heave Protection From Thermatek

Twenty years ago Thermatek installed its low voltage Frost Heave Prevention system in a very large cold store in one of the many countries it supplies to worldwide

by Derek Lawrence | Monday 13 October 2014

The system installed was the traditional Thermatrad product complete with transformers and control panel. The system has worked reliably and consistently throughout the twenty years.

New owners recently took over the cold store and decided to completely refurbish it with a view to it lasting another twenty years. Thermatek was called in to check and report on the Thermatrad system. Testing of the system showed the original Thermatrad product was sound and in no need of attention.

However, Thermatek recommended changing the control panel to a newer version which incorporated the latest technology, even though the existing control panel was functioning properly.

Justification for the new control panel was based on three factors: cost saving, reduction in environmental pollution, and being able to link the control panel into a building management system to allow for routine automated monitoring.

The new system was fitted and optimised, and the new owners were delighted with the outcome – a lower cost to operate the system (saving £’000s over a 20 year span), reduced emissions, and a linked-in monitoring system providing management control and assurance that the system is performing properly.

Thermatek are trusted suppliers of condensation and frost heave prevention systems for cold store owners around the world.


Derek Lawrence
+44 (0) 1488 684888

Monday 13 October 2014 / file under Supermarkets | Machinery | Food and Beverage