British Solution To Frost Heave In China

A large cold store in China suffered major problems when the concrete floor developed large cracks and was lifted up due to frost heave

by Malcolm Higgins | Wednesday 4 June 2014

Frost heave occurs when cold gets into the ground if there is no thermal barrier in the flooring of the cold store. Over time the cold penetrates deep into the ground and freezes any water and water particles, causing ice to build up, and if untreated this results in the ice expanding, lifting and breaking the cold room floor.

The company came to the UK and to Thermatek for a solution. Thermatek make a low voltage frost heave recovery system that halts the process of frost heave and gradually eliminates it. The solution is based on installing vertical low voltage heating elements into the floor of the cold room and connecting them to a control box which is able to set the rate of frost heave reduction and elimination.

This method has proven successful many times, and it gives the additional benefit of avoiding the costly alternative of abandoning the cold room and building a new unit.

The Chinese company came to Thermatek because they wanted to ensure a high quality and reliable solution – something they were not confident of finding in their own country.


Derek Lawrence
+44 (0) 1488 684888

Wednesday 4 June 2014 / file under Engineering | Construction