Technical Absorbents Takes Permeatec To Nashville
Nashville Tennessee is opening its doors to Technical Absorbents (TAL) as it prepares to take its new PermeatecDS sand and granular material stabilisation technology over to the USA for the first time
It will showcase its new product at Environmental Connection – the event of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) – which attracts leading players from the industry.
The expo takes place between 27-28 February and is part of the week-long premier educational event for the erosion, sediment control and stormwater industry. It combines intense, full and half day training courses with topic-focused technical sessions. TAL will be a part of the expo which is the largest event of its kind and attracts a wide range of visitors, including contractors, engineers and landscape architects – a perfect audience for its PermeatecDS product.
PermeatecDS is a unique polymer technology ( and can be applied to such materials as an aqueous surface spray, as a means of suppression, to control dust or to provide a hard, durable surface. In addition, it can be physically mixed directly with material being treated to afford full solidification.
The PermeatecDS polymer technology is specifically designed to be easily dispersed in water, aiding application and improving safety and handling. The polymer is able to coat and bind loose materials, forming a complex web of interlocking particles and polymer, which – when dried – form a hard, durable material. The ability to change the application rates of PermeatecDS provides the user with precise control and allows stabilisation levels, strength and durability to be tailored as required.
“PermeatecDS is available in two forms – pre-mixed liquid or fibre flakes,” explains Technical Sales Manager Dave Hill. “Ultra concentrate will also be an option for customers able to dilute on a larger scale. Once diluted, the solution can be applied using all conventional liquid application equipment and so an easy switch for people already spraying water or other products for a similar purpose.
“The IECA is a great association to get involved with and we are delighted to have secured a presence at their industry-leading event.
TAL also manufacturers a range of Super Absorbent Fibre (SAF™) and SAF™-based converted products that are suited to the geotextiles and agrotextiles industries and these will also be on display at Nashville.
Anita Bemrose
Technical Absorbents Ltd
+44 (0) 1472 244053
Wednesday 22 January 2014 / file under Textiles | Mining | Engineering | Construction