EHN Heating And Lighting Market Report
End users can calculate fuel cost savings and select the most energy-efficient lighting tower for projects this winter
Youngman Group have introduced a new generation of task lighting technology designed to provide outstanding quality and coverage – ideal for hire shops with end-user pressure to meet sustainability and cost targets.
Due to more pressure being put on the end-users to buy and hire sustainable products, Youngman have developed an online cost calculator which can be accessed here on the Ecolite section of their website so end-users can compare their existing lighting tower running costs.
The Ecolite lighting towers can support external tasks on construction sites, highways, rail, defence and outside events. The Ecolite range incorporates the latest safety innovations and can dramatically cut running costs and carbon footprint by up to 75% when compared to standard, more energy consuming lighting towers.
The Ecolite lighting tower uses energy-efficient ‘Ceramic Discharge Metal Halide’ technology which combined with a patented prismatic lens, produces superior definition, clarity and colour reproduction at a fraction of the CO2 output and cost associated with any other lighting tower.
Youngman Group Ecolite lighting towers can play an integral part in many external, out of hour’s projects and events that take place when it is dark. As the evenings draw in, now is the time to be factoring in the most cost effective and environmentally sustainable lighting towers for tasks that may be limited by daylight hours.
End users can fill out the simple cost calculator with details relevant to them and their job requirements, to find out how much they will save in both fuel and Co2 emissions by hiring this lighting tower. This will be invaluable to all organisations who are eligible for Mandatory Carbon Reporting from October 2013.
Stuart Proudfoot
Youngman Group Ltd
+44 (0) 1621 745900
Wednesday 4 December 2013 / file under Aerospace | Construction | Engineering | Military | Petrochemical | Safety