RMI Pressure Systems Chosen For Latest Siemens VAI De-Scaling System

RMI Pressure Systems has delivered another de-scaling system to Siemens VAI as part of a project for an Italian billet and bloom mill

by Michael Sherman | Thursday 7 November 2013

The client provided a specific project scope that required absolute reliability and efficiency to ensure that operating and maintenance costs were kept to a minimum. Using the experience of RMI in delivering bespoke, high pressure pumping solutions, the final design met the client's criteria with a calculated payback period of less than 2 years.

Efficient de-scaling equipment requires precise nozzle design combined with carefully calculated water pressures delivered by a reliable high pressure pumping system. Because modern steel mills produce an array of different steels, all with different pressure requirements, on a single production line it is important that de-scaling equipment is easily adjustable. This adjustability is vital to ensuring that each steel type is produced to the highest standard possible with maximum efficiency.

As one of the leading manufacturers of de-scaling equipment, Siemens VAI presented an initial design to RMI, which developed it into a more economical design using the Trimax S250 high pressure pump. By minimising the total number of pumps and the associated control gear while still meeting the required design scope, the final costs of the installation were optimised and the ROI period was kept to a minimum.

The Trimax range of reciprocating plunger pumps are capable of producing flow rates of 50 - 670 litres/min at system pressures up to 1,000 bar making it an ideal choice for de-scaling plants. Every component of the pump is selected for robust and reliable performance with every pump assembly undergoing a comprehensive test procedure prior to delivery to the customer.

The completed design for Siemens included the pump skids, control systems, interlocks and the de-scale headers, all of which had been optimised for this particular application. Working in partnership with other system component suppliers, RMI accepted the responsibility for the verification of the performance of the completed system and was able to provide engineers on site to assist with the installation and commissioning.


Michael Sherman
RMI Pressure Systems Ltd
+44 (0) 161 274 2451

Thursday 7 November 2013 / file under Engineering | Mining