Industrial Pumps Prove Reliability At Sheffield Forgemasters
Steel production is not only a very demanding industry but also very competitive, this means that every effort must be made to ensure the best possible reliability of the plant and equipment involved
For Sheffield Forgemasters International Ltd. (SFIL), one of the world's most successful steel producers, the decision to replace a crucial Yard Services pump meant that it sought expert advice from RMI Pressure Systems; who had previously supplied the steel maker with extremely reliable solutions.
The relationship between SFIL and RMI began over 20 years ago when new pumps were required for one of the forge’s huge hydraulic presses. The application required four Trimax S200 pumps, each capable of producing pressures up to 400 bar and a combined flow rate of over 1000 litres/min, to provide and sustain high pressure for the 2,500 tonne press. Despite high workloads, including quick cycle plannishing operations, and a harsh environment the pumps have performed reliably, with regular servicing, since their installation. It was this reliability and regular contact and communication which prompted SFIL to approach RMI when another pump needed replacing.
The Yard Services hydraulic pump station had been manned by a veteran Loewy pump since the 1960’s. As this approached the end of its service life the decision was made to replace it with a new unit rather than refurbish it. A reliable pump was required which would be capable of high pressures and high flow rates. RMI recommended the Quinmax S500 pump, the latest model from its flagship S-Series range.
The S500 is capable of producing pressure up to 1000 bar and flow rates up to 1000 litres/min. It is a five piston, crankshaft driven, positive displacement pump, which has proven reliability across the world in the mining industry, where continuous pump availability is a necessity rather than an ideal requirement.
The design of the S500, using five pistons instead of three, has several advantages including reduced crankshaft and bearing loads which leads to increased service life and maintenance intervals. In addition this design reduces the fluid velocity for each plunger by 40 percent, resulting in lower hydraulic noise, and requires slower crank speeds, which reduces mechanical wear. Finally, the smoother pressure profile reduces the impact of pressure surges on other equipment in the system. All of these attributes lead to improved reliability in the pump, but also in the ancillary equipment such as hoses and valves.
The designers at RMI have used their years of experience in the mining, power generation and manufacturing environments to produce a versatile product that is capable of operating in a multitude of situations. The S500 is designed such that all the working parts are totally enclosed, enabling it to operate in dust laden and other hazardous atmospheres. The use of the highest quality materials, manufactured to exacting standards ensures that the final product will provide continuous, reliable performance.
David Bartholomew, Forge Engineering Manager at SFIL, says: "We needed to improve the efficiency and reliability of our Yard Services area and the installation of the S500 has proven to be a great addition to the plant. The knowledge and expertise of the RMI engineers was very influential in the final decision and we will continue to involve RMI in future upgrades."
In the current economic climate, energy saving benefits are at the forefront of client purchasing criteria. This requirement has not been lost on the designers, who can evaluate the running cycle of the pump to enable the customer to realise the maximum return on their investment. As part of the specification process RMI assesses all the various control methods and calculates a whole-life-cost, including original supply, servicing and running costs – which is then submitted to the client. In some cases where variable speed pumps have been specified for applications such as heavy presses and steel pipe de-scaling systems, the calculated payback period or ROI has been less than two years, illustrating how the RMI pump can be an extremely effective investment.
Michael Sherman
RMI Pressure Systems Ltd
+44 (0) 1566 785632