Unique London Taxi Promotional Gifts
The ‘Black Cab Collection’ is the only range of promotional merchandise sold by The London Taxi Company and is available to everyone, anywhere in the world
Each item is printed or embroidered with a unique ‘Black Cab Collection’ logo which depicts the front of an iconic Black Cab, the only London Taxi recognised globally.
You can buy part of our Black Cab Collection for as little as £1.49 and ordering couldn’t be simpler so check out our website today.
If you are a business who would like to offer your customers or visitors the ‘Black Cab Collection’ range please contact Maria Holmes (details below) who will be happy to discuss a business account with you.
Maria Holmes
The London Taxi Company
+44 (0) 24 7657 2246
Tuesday 13 March 2012 / file under Automotive | New Products | Transportation