Abandoned Oilfield Brought Back To Life
An oilfield discovered in Schoonebeek, Netherlands in 1943, then abandoned in 1996, is being resurrected by NAM (a joint venture of Royal Dutch Shell plc and Exxon Mobil Company)
SchoonebeekThe redundant Pump-Jacks will be replaced with 44 long stroke pumps whereby the heavy oil is extracted with modern technologies using steam. The saturated vent gas separated from the oil is gathered and used for Combined Heat and Power onsite.
The gas-fired steam-generation plant will also deliver electricity to the national power grid. Produced water will be disposed into depleted gas fields using existing pipelines.
Northey Technologies Ltd., a UK-based specialist supplier of air and gas handling systems for process industries were commissioned to design, engineer, manufacture, assemble and test two Vent Gas Compressor packages. Technical requirements included their unique oil-free low maintenance rotary ‘hook & claw’ compressor.
Due to the large volumes of remaining resources coupled with high oil prices Schoonebeek presents itself as a desirable option while making optimum use of up-to-date subsurface technologies and close integration between new and existing surface facilities.
Bernard Whicher
Northey Technologies Ltd
+44 (0) 1202 668732
Wednesday 23 March 2011 / file under Technology | Power | Oil