Six Employees At Chemique Adhesives Celebrate 25th Work Anniversary

To show its appreciation of the dedication and efforts of these longstanding employees, Chemique Adhesives organised a day at the races for all staff and their partners

by Jennie Mayou | Tuesday 17 May 2022

The event took place at Uttoxeter Racecourse on the 14th of May 2022.

Tina Fallon – Purchase Ledger Administrator, John Boyle – Quality Control Technician, Lee Garbett - Dispatch, Goods In and Decanting Operative, Phil Carter – Business Development Manager, Wayne Brindley - Dispatch, Goods In and Decanting Supervisor and Mark Waring – Vice President of Chemique Inc all celebrated their 25 year work anniversary in 2020 but due to the pandemic, the day at the races was postponed until May 2022.

Stuart Francis, Managing Director at Chemique Adhesives commented: “Employee anniversaries are a great time to reflect and look back at what has been achieved over the years and that wouldn’t have been possible without our dedicated team of staff. Their longstanding commitment highlights the team-spirit ethos shared by all employees and a day at the races is a way to say thank you to all staff, both old and new for their continued hard work and loyalty.”

Established in 1985, Chemique Adhesives is a UK leading manufacturer of high performance industrial adhesives and adhesive application equipment. Serving a wide range of industries including aerospace, automotive, commercial manufacturing, composites, construction, foam, furniture, marine and transportation, Chemique Adhesives can offer specialist bonding solutions for a multitude of applications whilst providing the highest level of service, support, and advice.


James Thorpe
Chemique Adhesives & Sealants Ltd
+44 1922 459 321

Tuesday 17 May 2022 / file under Aerospace | Automotive | Marine | Transportation