EA Technology Celebrates 50th Anniversary On 16th September

EA Technology’s first 50 years can be characterised by just one word: Innovation

by Hazel Surguy-Price | Thursday 7 July 2016

The company was established in 1966 to advance the science and engineering in the distribution and use of electricity. Its founding raison d’être, therefore, required it to attract highly creative people to work in collaborative teams, to change how things were done.

For its first 25 years they retained this focus on research and development as part of the nationalised electricity sector and were responsible for developing and delivering dozens of new methodologies and technologies which spanned the electricity networks, industry and many homes across Britain.

Privatisation of the electricity industry in the early 1990’s saw a decade of a different kind of innovation as the organisation evolved into several smaller commercial enterprises, the largest of which became EA Technology Ltd. The evolution from a publicly funded research institute, to a commercially focused technology solutions business, required real change to the culture, leadership and skill sets within the company. Growth in its 5th decade reflected its ability to adapt.

The growth the company experienced was significantly due to developing its international footprint. In 2016, members of the EA Technology team work in the UK, Germany, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, China, Australia, New Zealand and the USA.

Internationalisation has been key to its success, not only in expanding its operations and the company’s ability to invest, but also in developing new technologies based on seeking out global best practice. These expanded horizons continue to shape both what it delivers to customers and its operational culture.

EA Technology’s future is bright and is likely to be characterised by continued innovation, whether in geographic development or in the solutions we develop and deliver. Without question, the energy sector is one of the most exciting areas for innovators in the world right now.

The challenge of reducing energy costs, increasing reliability of supply and reducing carbon emissions, combine to create a fertile landscape for the amazingly creative and motivated people of EA Technology. Consumer electronics have delivered huge advances in communications and sensing which will progressively migrate into utility operations.

Distributed intelligence will drive a re-skilling of its workforce. Integration into multi-vector energy management across heating, gas, electricity and transport will drive the development of new systems and technologies. Localisation of energy generation, distribution and consumption will see changes in the structure of the market place.

EA Technology’s future vision, based on our rich heritage, is ambitious and it will continue to embrace the challenges ahead. Here’s to the next 50 years of innovation!


Stephen Holmes
EA Technology Ltd
+44 151 339 4181

Thursday 7 July 2016 / file under Utilities | Power