Incineration Versus Recycling In Europe

Increasingly common in Europe, municipal “waste-to-energy” incinerators are being touted as a green trash-disposal alternative

by Claire Egleton | Wednesday 11 November 2015

For communities short on landfill space, “waste-to-energy” incineration sounds like a bulletproof solution: Recycle all you can, and turn the rest into heat or electricity.

That's how it's been regarded in much of Europe, where nearly a quarter of all municipal solid waste is burned in 450 incinerators, and increasingly in the United States, where dozens of cities and towns are considering new, cutting-edge plants.

Inciner8 International is one of the Worlds most successful Incineration Business. Supplying over 140 countries with WtE Waste to Energy Solutions.


Vince Ferguson
Inciner8 Ltd
+44 1704 884020

Wednesday 11 November 2015 / file under Utilities | Environmental