Condensation Prevention Solution For Singapore

Thermatek is delighted to report the shipment to Singapore of a major order of their condensation prevention solution for industrial freezers

by Derek Lawrence | Tuesday 11 February 2014

The four metric tonnes of this order forms part of the total project in a multi-story building comprising cold storage rooms on many of the floors.

Thermatek confidently anticipate further orders to complete the remainder of the building later this year.

As an experienced manufacturing exporter competing in a world market, Thermatek has maintained full communication and support with their customer throughout the design, order, and build process to deliver on time and to budget.

Thermatek has once again shown its capability and technical excellence in delivering frost heave, condensation prevention, cold room door frame heating element, and door threshold heater solutions around the world.

From first enquiry, to fully worked drawings for installation, through to manufacturing and shipment, Thermatek continues to demonstrate the professionalism, competitiveness, and support that brings its customers back time and time again.

The company is now embarking on an extensive Research and Development phase to bring step changes to the efficiency of its products. This work is under way and is expected to be translated into new and updated products and services throughout this year.


Derek Lawrence
+44 (0) 1488 684888

Tuesday 11 February 2014 / file under Engineering | Machinery